Personal Overview
I have completed my Ph.D in Mathematics in 2006 at the University of Baghdad, College of Science. My dissertation focused on continuous map of the circle.
As a five year ago, I have been moving into new research areas. In addition to topics in Complex analysis and complex dynamics . I am pursuing research in dynamical of Newton’s Method as well as Complex Polynomial. I analyzed the dynamics of Newton’s method on the polynomials and characterized some result on cubic to the Polynomial of degree four.
I have acquired solid teaching experience at Al Muthanna University, first as a teaching assistant for several courses in Mathematics and now as the instructor of postgraduate course titled” One dimension dynamical system”
Educational Background
Ph.D:Ph.D. Mathematics- College of Science, University of Baghdad, 2006, Iraq
M.Sc:M.SC. Applied Mathematics, University of Technology, Baghdad, Iraq ,998
B.Sc:B.SC. Mathematics – College of Science , Al-Mustansiriyah University ,1995 , Iraq
Contact Information
Selected Publications
1. Abdul Hussein, Hussein- “Distributional Chaos for Continuous Map of the Circle and Relation
With Chaos “proceeding of the Third International Conference on Mathematical Sciences – ICM
2008, 1219-1224.
2. Abdul Hussein, Hussein “Totally transitive of continuous maps on the Circle” Al Mustansiriyah
Education J. Vo1.6No.2 (2008), pp. 97-105.
3. Abdul Hussein, Hussein “The Newton’s Method on Quartic Polynomials “Uruk J.Vol.2, May2009, 193-202.
4. Abdul Hussein, Hussein” Julia set for cotangent Map “proceeding of 3rd scientific conference
of the college of science, university of Baghdad, March (2009) .433-438.
5. Abdul Hussein, Hussein “The Dynamics of Newton s Method on Complex Quartic polynomial”
Journal of the College of Basic Education, Vol.17, No.71 (2011), pp.81-93.
Research Interests
Real and Complex Analysis ,Topology Discrete Dynamical Systems ,Topological Dynamics