NameLecturer:Dr.Shatha farhan |
Personal OverviewCurrent Position C- Experience: 2007-2008 Laboratory CO-Supervisor, Al-Muthanna University, 2009- Laboratory Supervisor, Al-Muthanna University, Faculty of Medicine, Branch of Physiology. 2013- 2017Assistance Lecturer. University of Al- Muthanna, Faculty of Medicine, Department of Physiology.
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Educational BackgroundPh.D:PHD. In Nuclear Physics and environmental, Baghdad University 2019M.Sc:M.Sc. in Radiation of Physics, University of Al al Bayt, Jordan, 2013B.Sc:B.Sc. Physics, University of Al- Mustansryia , 2006 |
Contact InformationEmail:shatha.farhan@mu.edu.iqPhone:07807383900
Selected Publications– Adel K. Hamoudi, Shatha F. Murad, The effect of the one-body Hamiltonian on the statistical fluctuations of the nuclear energy spectrum in 138Ba using the context of the nuclear shell model – Adel K. Hamoudi, Shatha F. Murad, The influence of the interaction strength on the spectral fluctuations of 138Ba nucleus, مؤتمر كلية العلوم جامعة بغداد 2018 نيسان – Adel K. Hamoudi, Shatha F. Murad, Statistical study of nuclear energy levels for 6 particles in the nuclear N82 model space ,Iraqi Journal of Science, 2018, Vol. 59, No.4C, pp: 2225-2233 – Adel K. Hamoudi, Shatha F. Murad, Chaotic dynamics of the nuclear energy spectrum in 138Ba nucleus, INDIAN JOURNAL OF NATURAL SCIENCES, Vol.9 /Issue 52 / February / 2019 – Shatha F. Murad Al – Rubiee ,Jamal shehadeh Al-Jundi, Majed Abu Sini, Natural radioactivity determination in some medicinal plants, American Journal of BioMedicine, Vol.3/ Issue 60 / 369-373, 2015. – Haleemah J. Mohammed ; Ihab A. Taher ; Shatha F. Murad, Preparation and Study of the Spectral and Structural Properties Of Nano Composite Sensitize Photoelectrode, International Journal of Psychosocial Rehabilitation, Vol. 24 / Issue 7 / 2020.
Research InterestsNuclear physics, chaos in nuclear, Radiation , medical Physics, Physics .
Research LinksGoogle Scholar:Click HereResearchGate:Click HerelinkedIn:Click Here |