NameAssistant Professor:Dr. Safaa K. Kadhem |
Personal OverviewI am assist. Professor of Statistics. My current research interests focus on Bayesian Model selection of the mixture and hidden Markov models. I am also interested in Bayesian methods that are being developed for the model selection approaches. I am now focus on developing model selection criteria under the Bayesian principle.
Educational BackgroundPh.D:Statistics-2017- Plymouth universityM.Sc:Statistics-2003- Al Mustansriya UniversityB.Sc:Statistics-1998- Al Qadisiya University |
Contact InformationEmail:safaa.kadhem@mu.edu.iqPhone:009647807921448
Selected PublicationsSafaa K., Kadhem, P Hewson, I Kaimi, Using hidden Markov models to model spatial dependence in a network, Australian & New Zealand Journal of Statistics 60 (4), 423-446, 2018 2- Safaa K., Kadhem, Absorbing Markov chains for analyzing COVID-19 infections, Asian and European journal of mathematics, 2021 3- Safaa K., Kadhem, Spatial identification of component-based relative risks Model Assisted Statistics and Applications 16 (1), 65-72, 2021 4- Safaa K. Kadhem, Widely applicable information criterion for estimating the order in a hidden Markov model, Songklanakarin journal of science and Technology 43 (3), 824-833, 2021 5- Probabilistic model data of spatial-dependent crashes for ranking risk of road segments
Research InterestsModels of stochastic processes
Research LinksGoogle Scholar:Click HereResearchGate:Click HerelinkedIn:Click Here |