
Assistant Professor:RAID HASSAN ALI

Personal Overview

University of Baghdad / College of Administration and Economics
Belgorod State University in Russia 2013


Educational Background


M.Sc:Belgorod State University in Russia /2013

B.Sc:University of Baghdad / College of Administration and Economics

Contact Information



Selected Publications

-An analytical study to the credit risks by using the cash flow statement and explain its effect on the capital adquacy to the period from 2010-2015 an applied study on the agriculture iraqi bank
-The Effect of Overconfidence in the Presentation of Financial Statements on Corporate Tax Avoidance
-The Role of Internal Auditing in Raising the Performance of Institutions and Improving the Environment an Applied Study in one of the Environmental Departments
-The tax role in Iraq and its effect on the general budget for the period(2008-2014)
-Impact of Electronic Audit on Internal Control Quality


Research Interests

Control and auditing, banking accounting


Research Links

Google Scholar:Click Here

ResearchGate:Click Here

linkedIn:Click Here