Personal Overview
My main interests are Bio-electronics, Radiation physics, Optical sensors and Semiconductor physics. , EX-Head of Physics Department in Faculty of Science, Currently Head of Student affairs and Registration Division
Selected Publications
1 Calculation of Cross section area and Mean Free path for Interaction of protons with Mammalians cell of Chinese hamster cells (V79) .Uruk J. /Iraq, Vol (3), N (10), 2010.
2 Measurement of Radii of the Blood Cells Irradiated by Gamma and Alpha particles by using He-Ne laser. Waset Unv.third Conference 2009.
3 Observation of hypersensitivity phenomenon in E.coli-cell Irradiated by alpha particles. Mosul, Rafidaen J.2009.
4 Calculation of activation energy for annealing treatment and energy gap for glass irradiated by alpha particles. Iraq, Tikrit, Tikrit J. 2011.
5 Study the effect Alpha particle in polymer (PBBOT/PVC, PBBOT( ready by cast method. Iraq, Kufa J. 2011.
6 Measurement of radon gas concentration in cigarettes samples by using nuclear track detector (LR115 П). Uruk J. 2011.
7 Calculation of activation Energy for annealing treatment and Energy gap for glass irradiated by alpha particles. Tikrit J. 2011.
8 Calculation of optical Energy Band of CR39 SSNT irradiated by alpha particles. Tikrit J.2011.
9 Observation of hypersensitivity phenomenon in hydatid protoscoleces by alpha particles. Karbala J., 2012.
10 Survival curves models of neutron on Irradiated Data and Evidence for Hypersensitivity phenomena. Bulg.J.Phy. (73), pp (123-131), 2010.
11 Calculation of optical Energy Band of CR39 SSNT irradiated by Beta particles. Mosul/ Sciences & Edu.J.2012.
12 Calculation of optical Energy Band of LR115 SSNT irradiated by Beta particles. Koya J.2012.
13 Measurement of Radii of the Irradiated Red Blood Cells using He-Ne laser. Karbala J.2012.
14 Measurement of radon gas concentration in cement samples by using nuclear track detector (LR115 П). Kirkuk J. 2013.
15 Measurement of Radon concentration in ceramics samples by using SSNTD (LR115 II). Karbala J.2014.
16 Calculation of Cross section area and Mean Free path for Interaction of Neutrons with Mammalians cell of Chinese hamster cells (V79) .
Research Interests
Nanotechnology-Semiconductor-Bioelectronics-Radiation Physics