
Lecturer:Mohammed Bally Mahdi

Personal Overview

Name : Mohammed Bally Mahdi
Address: Ministry of Higher Education & Scientific Research
University of Al Muthanna / College of Engineering
Dept. Architecture Engineering .
Governorate Samawah District.

Place and Birth date: Samawah , 1970
Sex: Male
Marital status : Married.
Religion: Iraqi
Social state: Muslim


Educational Background

Ph.D:Transportation and Traffic

M.Sc:Urban Planning


Contact Information



Selected Publications

Modelling Trip Distribution Using the Gravity Model and Fratar’s Method
Mechanical Properties of Lightweight Aggregate Moderate Strength Concrete reinforcement with Hybrid Fibers
Assessment of Asphalt Mixture Behaviour Containing Recycled Concrete Aggregates
Performance Evaluation of Fiber and Silica fume on Pervious Concrete Pavements Containing Waste Recycled Concrete Aggregate.
Efficiency Development of Light Weight High Strength Concrete


Research Interests



Research Links

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