
Lecturer:Hayder Kamil Shanbara

Personal Overview

I have awarded PhD in Civil / Highways and Transportation Engineering
at Liverpool John Moores University in 2018. My main research interests
are in the field of highways and transportation engineering with
a focus on sustainable pavement materials and design and development
of Cold Asphalt Mixtures as a sufficient alternative to the Hot Asphalt
Mixtures in terms of energy and cost saving and less air pollution. In addition,
the research is mainly concerned with the Finite Element Analysis
to develop different 3D models that can simulate any pavement failure


Educational Background

Ph.D:Liverpool John Moores University

M.Sc:Al-Mustansiriyah University

B.Sc:Al-Mustansiriyah University

Contact Information



Selected Publications


Research Interests

Pavement and Highways Engineering


Research Links

Google Scholar:Click Here

ResearchGate:Click Here

linkedIn:Click Here