

Assistant Professor:Nyha Majeed Hameed

Personal Overview

Dr. Nyha Majeed Hameed , I got my PhD from the University of Franche-Comté, in France, with the field of optics. I'm very interested about the study of optical tweezers, nano antenna, nanoparticles trapping, Acousto-optic modulator.


Educational Background


M.Sc:Molecular Physics


Contact Information



Selected Publications

1. Stand-Alone Three-Dimensional Optical Tweezers Based on Fibred Bowtie Nanoaperture.
2.Analysis of ultra‑compact waveguide modes in thin film lithium niobate.
3.Optical Manipulation of nanoparticles by simultaneou selectric and magnetic field enhancement within diabolo nanoantenna.
4.Geometrical optimization study of diabolo nanoantenna.
5.Fiber-integrated optical nano-tweezer based on a bowtie-aperture nano-antenna at the apex of a SNOM tip.


Research Interests

optical tweezers, nano antenna, nanoparticles trapping, Acousto-optic modulator


Research Links

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