

Assistant Professor:Noorance A.R. Al-Mukaram

Personal Overview

I graduated from the University of Baghdad with the BSc in Civil Engineering in 2001 followed by the MSc in Transportation Engineering in 2005. Then, I got my PhD degree from the University of Salford-UK in 2018. Currently, I have worked in the Civil Engineering Department at Al-Muthanna University since 2008.


Educational Background

Ph.D:Transport Engineering and Planning, University of Salford – UK, 2018

M.Sc:Transportation Engineering, University of Baghdad – IRAQ, 2005

B.Sc:Civil Engineering, University of Baghdad – IRAQ, 2001

Contact Information



Selected Publications

Musa, S.S., Al-Mukaram, N., Mahdi, M.B. "Assessment of Asphalt Mixture Behaviour Containing Recycled Concrete Aggregates". Accepted to publish on Key Engineering Material, Vol.895, 2021.

Muhammed Ali, A., Al-Mukaram, N., Mahdi, M.B. "Effect of Soil Gradation on Shear Strength of Soil". Design Engineering Journal, Issue 6, 2021.

Al-Mukaram, N. and Musa, S.S. "Determination of Pedestrian Level of Service on Sidewalks in Samawah City". The 2nd International Scientific Conference, Al-Ayen University, IRAQ. IOP conference series: Materials Science and Engineering 928 (2020) 022077.

Al-Mukaram, N. "Modelling drivers’ behaviour within the dilemma zone at traffic signal junctions". PhD thesis submitted to the Computing, Science and Engineering Department, University of Salford, 2018.

Ismael, K.S., Al-Mukaram, N. "Traffic accidents analysis on dry and wet road bends surfaces in Greater Manchester-UK". The 1st International Conference on Engineering and Computing (ICEC2017), August 2017. Kurdistan Journal of Applied Research .

Riyadh A. Al-Gurah and Noorance A.R. "The Effect of Soaking in Water on CBR of Limestone". Journal of University of Thi-Qar, Vol.(6), No.(1), pp. 23–31, June 2009.

Noorance A.R. "A Study of Pedestrian Behaviour at Random Crossings in Baghdad City". MSc thesis submitted to the Civil Engineering Department, University of Baghdad, 2005.


Research Interests

Traffic engineering, Accident analysis, Traffic simulation and modelling, Future road and mobility, Road safety


Research Links

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