

Assistant Lecturer:Iman Kamil Maryosh

Personal Overview

Name: Iman kamil Maryosh
Surname: Al Ebada
E-mail Address:
Phone Number: 009647702792655
Address: Al Diwaniyah/ Al-Qadissiya Province /Iraq


Educational Background


M.Sc:Degree area: Poultry diseases, year: 2009 School: Pathology and Poultry diseases, Veterinary Medicine school, Basrah University, School Location: Basrah, Iraq, Research Advisor: Assist. Prof. Ali A. S. Al-Mayah

B.Sc:Degree area: Bachelor's degree in Veterinary Medicine and Surgery, year: 2003- 2004 School: Veterinary Medicine, AlQadisiya University, School Location: AlQadissiyah Province, Iraq

Contact Information



Selected Publications

Isolation and identification of Salmonella spp. from chicken and chicken environment in Basrah province Al-Abadi I. K. M and Al- Mayah A. A. S. 2011 Iraqi Poultry Sciences Journal. 6(2):88-99
Observations on the pathogenesis of orally inoculated Salmonella typhimurium in a newly hatched broiler chicks Al-Abadi I. K. M and Al- Mayah A. A. S. 2013 Iraqi Poultry Sciences Journal.7(1): 42-51
Infectious and non-infectious eye affections in camel: A review Abd M. T., Mshary G. S., Al_Khafaji S. A., Alabadi I. K. M. and. Alsaadawi M. A. 2022 Mirror of Research in Veterinary Sciences and Animals.11 (1):11-23


Research Interests

poultry diseases and Pathology


Research Links

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