

Assistant Professor:Kasim

Personal Overview

General surgeon at central teaching hospital since more than 10 years and assistant professor teaching the last 4 stages of medical students as theoretical and practical sessions.


Educational Background

Ph.D:General surgery

M.Sc:General surgery

B.Sc:General surgery and medicine

Contact Information

Phone:00964 078 7500 123


Selected Publications

1.Electrocautery approach in treatment of onychocryptosis.
2.Perception of medical students on their future career. A cross sectional study.
3.A study of alexithymia in patients with peptic ulcer disease.
4.Prevalence of generalised anxiety disorder in patients with peptic ulcer
5.Anxiety in the preoperative period. associated risk factors and general health conditions.


Research Interests

Health care issues


Research Links

Google Scholar:Click Here

ResearchGate:Click Here

linkedIn:Click Here