Basic Education


Assistant Professor:Ammar nadal shareef

Personal Overview

Assistant professor of physics/communications physics .
Head of the Science Department, College of basic Education, Al-Muthanna University/IRAQ.


Educational Background

Ph.D:Ph.D: communications Physics / Al-Mustansiria University-Iraq

M.Sc:M.Sc: Laser Physics- from Basrah University / Iraq

B.Sc:B.Sc: physics/ Al-Muthanna University-Iraq

Contact Information



Selected Publications

Shareef, Ammar Nadal, Ali A. Seleh, and Amer Basim Shaalan. "Pentagon Fractal Antenna for Above 6 Ghz band Applications." International Journal of Applied Engineering Research 12.24 (2017): 16017-16023.‏
Shareef, Ammar Nadal, and Amer Basim Shaalan. "Fractal Peano antenna covered by two layers of modified ring resonator." International Journal of Wireless and Microwave Technologies 5.2 (2015): 1-11.‏
Shareef, Ammar Nadal, and Amer Basim Shaalan. "Size Reduction of Microstrip Patch Antenna by Using Meta-Fractal Technique." International Journal of Latest Engineering Research and Applications 1.04 (2016): 21-27.‏
Optimization of antenna design in millimeter wave band and 15 GHz band for wireless communications
Shareef, A.N. Journal of Engineering and Applied , 2018, 13(18), pp. 7637–7641
Shareef, Ammar Nadal, Ali A. Seleh, and Amer Basim Shaalan. "Pentagon Fractal Antenna for Above 6 Ghz band Applications." International Journal of Applied Engineering Research 12.24 (2017): 16017-16023.‏


Research Interests

Wireless communication- fractal antenna - Metamaterials - Fractal Geometry


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