
Lecturer:Husam Saadi Mohammed Khalaf

Personal Overview

I am specialist in Weed Science and have completed my PhD by research in Agriculture, Weed Science at the University of New England. I have been awarded a number of grants during my doctorate study including but not limited:
– Award by IWSS in 2016 in Prague (Frank)
– Award by NSW Weed Society in 2018 in Sydney (Kim)
– Host Award by NSW Weed Society in 2018. in Armidale


Educational Background

Ph.D:Agriculture, University of New England, 2019

M.Sc:Agriculture, University of Baghdad, 2010

B.Sc:Agriculture, University of Baghdad, 2007

Contact Information



Selected Publications

Factors affecting the competitive ability of triticale (× Triticosecale Wittm. ex A. Camus.) against annual ryegrass (Lolium rigidum Gaudin)

Triticale competitive ability with annual ryegrass (Lolium rigidum Gaudin) as affected by variety, sowing rate and row spacing

Response of bread wheat cultivars to the effect of the herbicides pendimethalin and pyroxsulam and their influence on growth characteristics and grains yield and its components


Research Interests

Weed Science, Cereal Crops, Weed Ecology, Weed Biological Control, Weed Biology


Research Links

Google Scholar:Click Here

ResearchGate:Click Here

linkedIn:Click Here